It is our aspiration that the environment-friendly conscience should run through all levels of the organization, from workers to top management. For this reason we have adopted this approach as a pillar of our company culture. 

Since our very first years of operation we have invested more than € 100.000 for this purpose only. All fixed machinery is electrically powered with zero atmospheric emissions. Extensive studies have been undertaken for the environmental impact of the operation of the quarry in all phases of production and we have a permanent collaboration with specialist consultants on the subject of landscape rehabilitation. 

Furthermore, we have installed a state of the art dust suppressing system using highly pressurized mist. The high pressure air-water mixture is pulverized through specially designed nozzles placed in the appropriate positions in order to suppress dust. The above system is very effective and most importantly is completely environment friendly since it avoids the use of any chemical agent which would have a considerable environmental impact
Dust suppressing system in service Dust suppressing system not in service

The result is a dust-free production facility, a clean, healthy and safer work environment (visibility is key to safety) and an installation with minimal environmental impact and nuisances for the local population.